A practical sized solar panel with nominal 80W output is connected to a control panel containing relevant instrumentation and a battery charge control system. This in turn connects to a substantial deep cycle sealed lead acid battery. This allows the application of locally sourced loads, or, loads available as optional extras.
The solar panel is supplied with an adjustable stand that allows inclination to be varied together with an accurate panel mounted solarimeter. This allows the radiation incident on the panel (kW/m2) to be measured and compared with the electrical power generated, along with system efficiency.
The instrumentation provided allows the isolated panel characteristics and the overall system performance to be measured under load. A monitoring point is provided to allow detailed investigation of the charge controller operation by advanced students (Oscilloscope required, not provided as standard).
In order to expand the capacity of the unit additional panels and batteries are available as optional extras.
To allow long term monitoring of system performance an optional data acquisition system is available that can be supplied as a factory fitted option or alternatively for addition as a user fitted accessory.
In order to demonstrate the use of solar power for AC power generation an optional inverter is available.
For environments where abundant solar radiation cannot be relied upon an optional solar simulator (See RE540E) is available that requires connection to a local electrical power supply.
The RE540 unit is complimentary to the Hilton RE550 Flat Plate Solar Energy Collector which allows students to examine water heating directly from solar energy.