The Advanced Training Unit 805 is a fully operational, small scale coldroom, which enables the student to relate all test results, system faults and adjustments directly to situations encountered in service and maintenance.
It is a multiple circuit unit, incorporating important secondary controls, and is constructed entirely from standard commercial components that will give the student invaluable experience in fault diagnosis, system adjustment and replacement of faulty components.
It is mounted on a steel frame with stainless steel panels and comprises a hermetic type compressor with air cooled condenser and forced air evaporator with electric defrost inside an insulated cabinet with hinged lid.
A variety of different refrigerant controls can be selected and the operation with each type of control studied. All the controls and the high and low pressure switches are adjustable by the student to enable advanced studies in the control of vapour compression refrigeration equipment.
A standard Student Tool Kit, Test and Service Equipment Package and Maintenance and Student Practice Package are available as optional items.