This 16 channel expansion unit connects to the HAC20 2 channel strain meter to create an 18 channel strain meter system for use on experiments involving strain gauges.
The HAC20M has to be connected to the HAC20. It connects via an umbilical cable connected into the front panel socket of both the HAC20 and HAC20M. Once connected all the options from the HAC20 are available to the HAC20M, which include:
- Large visible two line LCD
- Strain gauge configuration from ¼, ½ or full bridge
- Strain gauge factor selectable
- Storing and retrieving calibration data for all 18 channels
- LED channel selection identifier
- Smooth operation front key pad
- Strain readings up to ±2000 microstrain, with ±1 microstrain resolution
- Tare function
A comprehensive Instruction manual details all operational and set-up procedure for the unit.
The unit is rugged and robust for use around the laboratory, and can be used on a level surface.