A rigid, aluminium beam is cut into two unequal lengths, creating a ‘cut’ section. Each beam is then simply supported on vertical supports. Each support can be moved along the beam section length creating varied beam spans. At the ‘cut’ section, a deep groove ball bearing in one beam runs within a block in the other beam. This allows for both vertical movement (shear) and rotation (bending) to occur.
The Shear Force is measured using a vertical load cell. A second underslung load cell measures the bending moment force in the beam ‘cut’ section via it’s moment lever arm set. The output from the load cells is fed into the essential extra HDA200 Interface (sold separately) for displaying of the forces. Load cell connection leads are supplied as standard.
Special Load hangers are provided that fit over the beams. The Load hangers can be positioned accurately along the beams length by using the graduated scales attached to the side of the beams. The smooth design of the beam sections allows a wide variety of unrestricted load positions to be used along the beam lengths.