The standard truss supplied is made from fully welded hollow square section steel members making a 45° sections. The truss has special end mountings that allow different end bearing conditions to be used, i.e. pinned and roller end. Both these end bearing arrangements are supplied. The end mountings also allow the frame to be inverted for work on an inverted truss.
Seven members of the truss are strain gauged with half bridge arrangements. Each strain gauge pairing has a cable loom attached and terminated with a number connector. This connector can be fitted into the HPM15 Data Acquisition Upgrade (not supplied) for direct reading of the member strain during loading.
The truss has been specially designed to be tested in the HPM1 MAGNUS Test frame (not supplied) with the HPM3 Hydraulic ram systems (not supplied) and the HPM2 accessories kit. The experiment calls for joint deflections to be measured during testing. These deflections are measured using the analogue dial gauge & stand supplied. An alternative HPM20 dial gauge set can be purchased at additional cost.
For safety reasons during experimentation, two safety chains have been provided to secure the truss to the HPM1 MAGNUS frame, whilst not restricting the truss movements or deflections. Two high level reaction supports are supplied to allow the truss to be inverted and to use the same end bearing conditions. A comprehensive instruction manual is provided giving details of connections, experimental method, and example results. If forces in the members are not required, then order HPM6/1 instead of HPM6/1A.